Looking for advice for troublesome cat

I’m 31 weeks pregnant and I’m feeling a little stressed and concerned about my cat.

He has an OBSESSION with food, now I’m not talking about “he meows for food” I mean he literally tries to eat it off our plates, we cannot leave any food laying out, and forget trying to cook while he’s there. He will eat ANY type of food and will do just about anything to get to it including licking dirty plates in the sink. In the past he has got a hold of chocolate, pasta, bread, cereal, & cows milk. We have had him for 3 years and never purposely fed him any human food, ever. We have took him to the vet and they have confirmed he is healthy, update to date on everything and we feed him the right amount of food. He also hurts our other younger cat sometimes when he bites her. And he howls every morning to wake us up. He is a very needy cat and loves attention. But my patience is wearing thin, and I just don’t know how I’m gonna cope with a newborn and such a high maintenance cat. Any advice will be appreciated, as giving him away to a relative is our last resort.