Do you ever get blow outs?

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

When I’ve nannied with cloth diapers I’ve only had one blow out, and afterwards I realized I had buttoned the diaper wrong...

This post is inspired by another post where I asked about how much clothes I need to get (future first time mama here) and it was basically all flack about how I wasn’t realistic about how much clothes I need because apparently babies have blow outs over 3x per day? Do I just have an abnormal experience with not experiencing this? I mean, I’ve had it where they’ve wet through the diaper several times when they were transitioning to having a bladder that lasts through the night (thus letting out A LOT of urine when they wake up and sometimes I’d forget to double stack the liners) but through my 2.5 years nannying I’ve never had a cloth blowout without obvious cause...

Do any of you get blow outs?