I think he might be the one.

Met my best friend in 7th grade. He was joking & I was eavesdropping laughing my butt off. He noticed but thought I was crying & asked if I was ok. 6 years later, we are so close to graduating & maybe trying again for a relationship. The first time, I was going through emotional problems & we decided to drop it & maybe pick back up later but the feelings are still there. It’s crazy how anyone in the room can notice it. Also, when I was younger, teachers used to tell me they married their best friend & I’d be like “Ew! I’d never date him!” But look at me now 😂. From the moment I started catching feelings, I began writing him letters. It’s all in a journal hidden away. They each have a run through of what happened that day, the time, my thoughts, date & messages that we sent. I even wrote about the day he lost his virginity to me & what happened.. lol. He’s leaving to the Navy after 2 or 4 years of college. I forgot how many he said. But either way, Im hoping to give him the journal one day in the distant future to bring him back to where it all started. I’ve also taped down letter he’s given me for my birthday, after arguments, notes we’ve passed in class, etc

Also, when we first started dating, it was like the trending news at our school since everyone knew he liked me since 7th grade