So confused 😕 Please help i need some advice on what i should do next??


Soo I been TTC for a couple of months now.. the struggle!

I'd say about August of 2017 is when i started with <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> and stuff. i got off birth control in July of 2017. i had got my period back immediately an i had watched as it had regulated itself down to a 28-30 day cycle from about a 35 day cycle. i noticed that i could feel my body an was more intune with it and knew when i was getting close to ovulation even by the CM being clear an strechy an all. I had a very early miscarriage in February 2018. i just knew i was pregnant my body felt so different and i was two weeks late. i feel like my egg didnt implant properly or something not sure but yeah..

so fast foward to now. i had my normal cycle for March. came and lasted 5-6 days and was gone but now in April my expected period was due on the 18th. on the 17th i had very light pink spotting an then nothing at all the rest of the day. on the 18th i bled red but was not much i use a cup so i put my cup in when i first noticed and when i went to empty it was not a lot. on the 19th i had a little flow and then brown and then on the 20th it was just a little bit of brown again an then that was it. My period never lasts just 3 days and i never spot the day before and another weird thing is i didnt have any cramps.. my cramps are usually so bad that i use a heating pad.. the final thing that has me questioning if i could be pregnant or if somethin is wrong is after what i thought was my period was gone i started to have a lot of symptoms like sore/heavy vainy breasts, constant nausea after i eat or drink or just sometimes when i wake up. quickly short winded(out of breathe), stomach is bloated. i have pullin pains on both sides of my stomach. mild cramps in my uterus that come an go and lots of creamy white CM.. i constantly feel like i am wet or it feels like i peed on myself smh. this led me to think that my short lived period may have been IB? i took a test on the 22nd and it was negative but i have not taken one since and it has been about almost two weeks since then.. should i test again soon? if so when? and if you ladies don't think it is pregnancy what do u think it could be?