I don’t know how to deal with this...


So my long distance bf is supposed to come and meet my friends and family here soon, then after his visit I’m to move in with him back in his home town. I’ve wanted to since before he and I even got together, but now I’m scared. I still need half of my goal saved, then I have to pay my parents back for a car they helped pay for, I need to actually tell my parents about the move, hope they don’t try to report my car stolen (it’s under their name cause of the insurance, there’s a long story behind why I say this too), then there’s work, and preparing my car for the move....

I’m just very overwhelmed and he always brings stuff up like this when I don’t have the money yet and it gets me stressed. And I can’t even tell work or my parents about leaving till I have the money and have paid my parents, and when I know for sure when he is supposed to arrive here....

This is a long read I know, but I need someone’s help/advice on all this cause I’m scared....