Need advice and encouragement


So I attend a community college and it’s hard to make friends because everyone just comes and goes and do their own thing. It’s completely different than a university. I’m the type who is shy but once you get to know me I can be outgoing and very talkative. I used to make so many friend back in high school and it was easy, but now it’s different. As a student (going to nursing school soon) and having a limited social time, it’s has gotten me very lonely. Like I’m not lonely but I’m alone. I do have friends, but many are them are busy with school. And my best friend is going through a mid life crisis that she has been admitted to psych and my other best friend lives out of state. So I am so alone and feel very overwhelmed. I don’t know what to do. I’m just very busy with school and work and am limited on social time. I feel like I’m kinda going crazy but maybe because I’m just going through an emotional phase? I just need to make more friends I think but I don’t know. I usually have my girls I can vent things to but my friends are all busy and haven’t been out for a girls night in a long time and can really use that. Sorry for the complain!