help??? please???

i started birth control pill in march so i’m almost on my 3rd pack and i’m on my week when i’m supposed to be on my period (sugar pills) . i spotted tuesday with brown/red blood (last month i spotted a week before my period) . wednesday-today (friday) i’ve been wearing tampons bc it’s a medium flow with blood clots but it’s usually heavier than this. i don’t bleed at night anymore either. is this my period or implantation bleeding....what’s the difference so i’ll know??? i’m a virgin but my boyfriend and i grinded on each other naked on april 10th but that didn’t even last 2 minutes and later on he came on my stomach(beside my belly button) and i put high waisted jeans on and it was hot...could that affect anything? i’m probably over thinking this but i just need advice. thank you to anymore that’ll help.