Fetal Heart Tones


Hello, I'm needing some success stories or a dose of reality I guess. I went in for an early ultrasound yesterday at 6w4d due to two precious miscarriages. I am on progesterone suppositories. The baby was positioned at the very top of my uterus and it was hard for the tech to get a good look. We could not hear the heartbeat but she could see it and see that it had blood flow. Based on what she could see, the heart rate was 89 (which is low). The tech and nurse both said they think it's just because it's early and I have to come back in a week. However, I'm terrified that the progesterone is just prolonging the inevitable and that I'm going to lose this baby too. I have one child and have lost 2 since then, we have done some testing but doctors feel like I don't have any fertility issues. Anyone have this occur and go on to have a healthy baby?!