Subconscious trying to tell me something?

I've had two VERY faint positives. Barely anything though so I can't trust it, but so far I've been getting waves of nausea. They come and go, but when they come, oh dear do they come. Some cramping. Only slight dizziness. That just started two days ago. My breasts went up half a cup size in the past two weeks. And last night, I dreamt of the rain which is supposed to be a sign of fertility! My doctors for the past 2 years have said I'll never be able to have children and if I do, it'll most likely end in a miscarriage. So far, I've had two miscarriages, but this time around.. I don't know. Something just feels different and I have my hopes up! This would be the biggest blessing of my life. Please keep me in your thoughts. Baby dust to you all✨✨