Am I just being sensitive?


I’ve never carried a pregnancy to full term. I’ve had an ectopic that resulted in the loss of my right tube, and a missed miscarriage in January.

My symptoms sort of suddenly stopped about three/four days ago. (I’m 7+4)

Given my history, I’m prone to worrying about every little feeling I get when it comes to my pregnancy body. So, I did what any neurotic person, pregnant with their rainbow baby would do, and I call the dr because I’m concerned.

I spoke with the front desk woman and explained what was going on (symptoms have stopped and it’s concerning bc this is what happened before) and from the moment her mouth opened I knew she was going to make me cry. Her response was very matter of fact and like I was just like every other annoying pregnant woman that calls that office and she says “well that is normal for you to lose symptoms” “they come back” and I said I know I understand that but I am still concerned and was hoping I could talk to a nurse or the dr because I had a miscarriage in January and I’m worried. She says “well no one is in the office today because they are training but if you have to be seen then you need to call labor and delivery.” I say, “labor and delivery? Where and who is that? No one has ever told me to call them.” Again she speaks to me like I am the dumbest person on earth: “labor and delivery at the hospital...”

Obviously I’m worried and sensitive right now bc I’m scared and so I just sit there wondering why this lady is being so short and mean. After a silence she says she is sending the nurse a message and I was just so angry that I said “alright well thanks” but with a mean attitude and hung up on her.

And the worst part is now I feel bad like I did something to her. Was I wrong to give her attitude back after that? Am I just being too sensitive?

I ended up calling back and speaking with another girl and explaining that I don’t mean to be the annoying pregnant girl but I’m concerned and everything and she was like it’s okay the nurse has the message and so I start crying and then am like alright thank you. And now I’m crying again. Ugh.

Are your front desk staff like that at your offices? This isn’t the first time someone has been kinda rude to me like that before.
