does glow accurately predict your ovulation days?

K🌻 • Married to my high school sweetheart. Boy mom. Ttc #2.

My reason for asking is my little one just turned 1. I just got my period back last month due to breastfeeding. Fiance and I are most of the time using condoms as our birth control and other times use withdrawal method. He has a hard time finishing with a condom so whatever. We obviously know that these methods dont always work and wouldn't be entirely upset with another but we are trying to hold off a year or so.

I was thinking of buying ovulation tests just to see if I'm in fact ovulating again and if glow is accurately predicting it. I always tell him from this date to this date you have to be extra careful and what not. Most women use ovulation tests to try and get pregnant but is it crazy for me to use them to avoid pregnancy? Waste of money? im kind of curious just to see if I am ovulating and if glow is right on the dates because honestly im not too insync with my body. i dont know. give me your thoughts!

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