So stressed, work related probably not he right room.

JD • Proud mama 💙🌻

I posted yesterday about my job giving me hell ever since I told them I’m pregnant.

I work in a call center and I was put into my own room when they discovered I’m pregnant. It’s only getting worse. I’m being micro managed to the point where I cannot eat, drink use the restroom unless I’m on my 10 min break or lunch. I have to tell them when I’m leaving and coming back. If I need to use the restroom I have to ask and be sure to tell them when I’m back. I work on my own projects and don’t take inbound calls. I understand some managers micro manage but this wasn’t the case before I told them. I’m being consequenced for needing certain days off for my appointments. And now I’m told I cannot talk to anyone in the office and to keep my head down as I’m walking to and from break.

No one else is held to these rules.

Everyone else gets extra time away from their desk to snack or walk away from the computer screen.

I was allowed to do that too until I told them I’m pregnant.

Ever since yesterday I’ve been having bad cramps and I’m completely stressed and hyperventilating because of this.

I don’t want to harm my baby because my work decides to mess with me.

I guess I just need to vent.

I’m so emotional and almost just turned in my 2 week notice without having a job lined up. I need the benefits and income but when is enough, enough?

I feel like an animal who has to be walked on a leash just to pee.....

I really feel like they’re trying to get me to quit and idk what to do. Since yesterday I’ve been applying to jobs and I have 2 interviews set up for Monday.