Politics. (If u don’t want politics stay away)


I’ve seen posts on the politics page of just this: VOTE FOR TRUMP he will make America great again.

Nothing else. Not even a reason. This makes me so mad.

He hasn’t made us great yet... he’s just made us hate. His hardcore supporters hate Mexicans, Liberals hate trumpers, trumpers hate liberals, third party politics are just kinda watching. His supporters hate Hillary, trump hates liberals, feminists hate trump, sexual assault survivors hate trump, and it’s a big mess.

He blames rape on us. Because our skirts are too short, and our bodies are too attractive.

Rape survivors are sharing their outfits on Twitter. Very few are booty shorts and croptops. The majority are jeans, T-shirt’s, and sweatshirts.

So I’d have to be our bodies at fault, right? No. Many survivors were in their early tweens, or not even double digits yet. So it can’t be bodies, because 6-year-olds shouldn’t be attractive...

Unless it was a petophile. Or some other creep who would rape people.

Obviously it’s not us, it’s them.

So if you ask me why I don’t support trump, you’re asking me why I don’t support my own choice over my body. Because it’s #OurBodiesOurChoice.