Moving an hour away

I’m planning to move out around August and I have the option to move and hour away into a house with my friends who live in the city. I told my boyfriend that it was a possibility and he just walked away and said “do what you need to do”

He knows I’m planning on moving out, we’ve talked about moving in together but we both agreed that I should be on my own first. I would like to have roommates so it’s less stress on me and where i live now I literally have no friends so it’s hard to find a roommate.

I feel upset by this.. him just walking away and saying that.. he said “oh I’ll just never see you, you know that right” when we had talked about me moving an hour away before he seemed to make it seem okay and that we would be okay. I don’t know what to do now. Like I haven’t made a decision yet, in the beginning of me thinking of this whole process I had decided I didn’t want to move an hour away I wanted to stay In my town. I just feel torn and I don’t want to put any stressors on our relationship, I’ve asked him tocjust move in together but we’ve only been together 8 months so that seems soon and like i said we both feel I should live on my own first.. I went to go try to talk to him but now he’s asleep on the couch and I’m literally sitting next to him in tears because I don’t know what to do. I just feel stressed and upset about this I don’t know