Why am I not enjoying this?

Hi ladies,

I wanna share something. Since I’m still in the first trimester we haven’t told a lot of people and I’m not even sure I’d wanna share this with someone I know.

Well, my fiancé and I want to have children. We are getting married in September and we were gonna start trying then. Instead I found out I’m pregnant in the middle of March. My period was a little late so I took a test to reassure myself that I wasn’t pregnant. But I was.

I am currently 9 weeks 3 days pregnant. I’m nauseated for a good portion of the day for the last 2 weeks, I feel like a hippo even though I know I’m not gaining much weight yet, my bowel movement is irregular AF, and I sometimes get really sad without any real reason.

Anyone else feels like they are not enjoying this at all? I feel like there should be more joy in this, instead I’m either worried or nauseated. What’s wrong with me? I’m 30 and this should feel like a blessing. My fiancé and I are financially stable and we have a good relationship. So many things are good, but instead I’m focusing on how huge I’m gonna be in my wedding dress. Seriously, what’s wrong with me?