What is this pain? UTI? OVULATION?


So allll day I’ve had really bad cramping/ Intense pain on my left lower abdomen. I’m on cycle day 20, and the day before my period started he finished inside me, my period lasted 4 days & was medium/light. The other day I had cm with a tint of pink(picture below), and ever since then I haven’t paid attention. But today, I went to the bathroom a lot, going pee was uncomfortable in my lower belly because my abdomen was hurting so bad. I thought putting pressure on my belly (all on lower left side) would help and tbh it just hurt more. I’m still peeing a lot, and it still hurts. I have no idea what it could be. I don’t have a doctor & I had a baby 9 months ago. I don’t know if it should be cause for a trip to the urgent care. My boyfriend said maybe a UTI?