I need someone to talk to...

So, I’m 6 months pregnant with twins (my first pregnancy), and my husband already has two children. We live in a small home with only two bedrooms. His children are only here weekends, so it worked with them sharing a room.

We don’t have the money or resources to move right now, and it really is just breaking my heart I can’t have a nursery for my kids. I’ve been putting things for the babies in his kids room, and whenever they come over, my husband moves everything out so it’s “their room” again. It hurts my feelings... like it feels like he doesn’t have any room for our children because his kids don’t want to share the room.

Just a side note... they don’t ever use the room. They sleep in the living room and they only go in there occasionally. I asked if I could make it our girls room since they will live here the whole time, and he just said that he didn’t want to deal with moving all their things out and he didn’t know how they would take it.

Is it wrong of me to feel upset about it? Am I just being selfish?

Also my husband never wears his wedding band... always “forgets it”...

I told him that it bothers me, and nothing changes.

I feel like he doesn’t want to be with me or our twin girls and I don’t know if it’s the hormones or if it should be a legitimate concern...

I just need someone to talk to.