Threatened Miscarriage 😭 (grab the popcorn it’s a long story)


Here’s my story! So I got a positive on April 24th, I was in complete shock because I had my period on April 9-12 which was my usual period days and the 4 days later I got some light bleeding for 2 days so I thought that was strange but went on with my day. I had a dream I was pregnant and my husband told me he did also a few days earlier. I decided to test for fun with NO hope to get a positive because it was the day after I ovulated, to my surprise I got a positive and I kept testing the following 5 days after. They ALL came back a Strong ➕ sooooo I decided to tell my hubby that weekend and it was such an emotional and beautiful moment and we were both in tears and it was just the best feeling ever😭💕 we have been trying since December. I decided to get another test and an ultrasound at a clinic on April 30th. My husband and I were so excited to see our little peanut and were wondering how far along I was. After getting and ultrasound they said my baby must be too small to see with the external one so they did an internal one which for me was painful ( which it isn’t suppose to according to the nurses) anyways I ended up with just seeing a sac with no fetus😔 which they came to 3 conclusions.

1) too early to see one

2) Early miscarriage

3) Ectopic pregnancy

I was sooooo confused and upset and I had hope but at the same time I didn’t and I was scared 😩. I went home in tears and my husband was trying to get me to think positive but it was like almost impossible because I technically didn’t get an answer I had to wait and see and get blood work done the following day and then in two days. Well that night I started spotting and I freaked out! I was like crying and I told my hubby let’s go to the ER and we went and they did another painful internal ultrasound and more blood work and they told me the same exact thing I had heard in the clinic. So I went home and then the following day went to get more blood work done and I kept spotting so I was like trying to calm myself down and then I noticed that It was slowly stopping (the spotting) BUT... the next day I started again and this time I got 2 clots come out (sorry for the TMI) I completely freaked because I had been having some pain on my right lower abdomen and I was like this is it 😭😭😭😭 so I went back to the ER and they said the SAME EXACT THING as I have been told since the beginning of the week. The only difference is that they “THINK” I have a Threatened miscarriage, they basically told me if you start bleeding a lot or have a lot more pain come back and in 2 days come back to get more blood work. My Hcg only went up like 300 “points”. I’m so scared and confused and I’m basically on bed rest and it’s so uncomfortable and I just feel so hopeless cuz I don’t even know if I’m still pregnant or if I’m miscarrying. Has anyone had this experience? If so please let me know I’m going insane! By the way it has been such a draining experience emotionally and physically 😭😭😭😭😭