It wasn't so bad...

Today was supposed to be my wedding day but because of a bunch of complex economic issues, my fiancé and I postponed it until further notice.

We've been mourning our wedding date for a while, him taking it especially hard because of his high functioning autism. Anyway, it wasn't so bad.

We went to a coffee shop for breakfast, during which we saw a bunch of cop activity outside and we got to speculate as to what was happening (totally awesome to see a cop jump a fence!).

Then we walked back to his house where we watched two episodes of Roseanne (the old ones) and smiled at how similar our bantering style is to theirs. After that, my SO decided to feel me up and ended up fingering me. That was a nice surprise. Then we had a McDonald's lunch and went to the church where we were supposed to get married. The weather was perfect for a wedding :(

Inside the church, he got down on one knee and proposed again 💓 I kind of figured he would, but I love his sentimentality. We also exchanged wedding rings and said some sort of mumbled mixture of love and commitment. Our rings arrived months ago so we had them in hand. We went for ice cream at the general store on the way back to his place....and when we were alone in his bedroom, I sort of helped him out like he did to me earlier. Then we went for a nice dinner.

So it wasn't awful... we still "got married" by exchanging rings and promises. And we technically consummated the marriage, if not in the usual manner. In our eyes, we're spouses. We just have to work out the kinks before the real marriage.