When to tell parents.

L • FTM ❤️ Jan 9

I had originally planned to tell my parents and in laws after our first appointment (9 weeks).

However with Mother’s Day next week (I will be 6 weeks) I know there are some great grandma ideas I could send to my mom. It will be her first grandchild and she will be THRILLED. I’m just afraid that if something goes wrong later she will be devastated, possibly more than me. I should mention she is out of state, so she won’t notice one way or another for quite a while.

My in laws already have some grandchildren and I’m less inclined to tell them. However, we will be them on Mother’s Day and I’m afraid that they will badger me about not drinking. I think my husband wants to tell them a bit, but is ok to wait if I do. Mainly, I just know they will tell the whole family, and he has a BIG family.

Trying to weigh the pros and cons. Any advice of when you told or if you wish you had waited/not waited to share the news would be appreciated!