Embryonic Stem Cell Research (read description please ❤️)


For a little background I will give the basic description of embryonic stem cells and rationale behind both arguments. I would appreciate it if you could read the entire post be for making a decision. 😊

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are derived from the creation of a human blastula is a laboratory or fertility clinic and harvesting its cells. This blastula can only survive a few days unless implanted in a womb. The ESCs never come from an egg fertilized inside a woman, so they are not harvested from abortions or miscarriages.

Why use ESCs? Stem cells are cells that have not yet become specific for a bodily tissue. ESCs have the ability to become any type of cell in the human body. Adult stem cells are limited to the types of cells they can become. Stem cells are used in research to create medical therapies that could improve the lives of many people.

Where’s the debate? Both stem from a similar goal: the preservation of human life. The debate comes down to how the human blastula is viewed and the ethicality of its use.

Argument for ESC use: In this view, the blastula is not a child and does not have the potential to become one because it is not embedded in the uterus wall. Every year fertility clinics create many blastula that are destroyed because they are made in surplus. Supporters feel that using the cells for the development of treatments that could save many peoples’ lives is much better than throwing them away.

Argument against ESC use: In this view, destroying the blastula for its cells is destroying an unborn child. Every life matters. There is the potential to help many but it is morally wrong to destroy a potential child.

Sorry for the essay but I thought it was important to have a little background. I did research before posting and I have a bachelors degree in biology but I’m sorry if I did not get everything correct/ left out important information. I tried to sound as little biased as I could. Thanks for reading and giving your opinion. 😊❤️

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