Have you ever...does it bother you and how do you respond..


EDIT: I love you all. thank you for sharing your stories. you are all wonderful and strong women.

It's been a while since I've posted anything in cc. mainly because I dont have any free time anymore. But also because I simply cant deal with the constant drama, lately.

But, anyway.. hello, to all my fellow veteran glow cc users. hope life is treating you all very nice.

So; have you ever( as a mom/ dad or even not a parent at all) dealt with " age shaming "? ( as in someone shaming you based on your AGE. ie- if you look young and have a baby/ child, someone decides to tell you that " you are too young to have a baby( mind you, you're in your 30's) and you should start using condoms". Or if you look young , and someone decides to tell you that the BOOK you are reading, is not age appropriate for a TEEN ( again, you are actually in your 30s). Or you look older and someone tells you that " people out age should not wear -those kind of jeans-( nothing crazy, just tight jeans).)

The examples here are endless. And I understand that often times, we might get insulted to easily and snap at that someone.

Lately, if you have been through Similar situations, how do you handle them?

Do you ignore these kind of comments? Do you respond in a nice way? Do you give an attitude? Do you snap at them?

Personally, I'm so sick of these types of remarks. when I explained this to a friend, she said I should feel lucky and proud, that I look like a 16 year old, but honestly, it just gets old, getting nasty remarks, from strangers who think I'm 16 , with a 19 month old daughter. I'm 34 years old. I had a woman telling me once " teens should not have kids, you should have terminated the pregnancy ( I say terminated because I dont want to use the word SHE used). better yet, you should keep your legs closed. bet you regret it now" ( can you believe this ?!). When I told her I was 33( this happened last year) and I actually ttc for my daughter, that I finished college with honors, that I own a very successful business, and that she should keep her mouth closed, she called me a liar, saying " if you're 33, then I'm jesus christ ". and then added under her breath:" kids these days, they lie to make themselves feel better about their messed up actions".

I lost it. This was all happening at Starbucks, while in line to get a coffee!

Anyways! sorry for the long post; so, if any of you deal with this type of situations, how do you proceed? reason I want to know, is because I feel like next time this happens to me, I will cuss them out.

Pic for attention( I love my little (big) toddler.