guy I’m friends with refuses to talk to me


I was friends with this guy and he used to come over and hang out with me all the time we would literally talk 24/7 he apparently likes or liked me and I have feelings too. When we hung out I tried to show a little affection just basic things like holding hands, sitting close and giving him a hug because I didn’t know if he was interested or not. Well after that he told his friend and that friend has made up many rumour about me and another guy they are friends with, after that the guy I’ve been hanging with and am interested kind of stopped showing interest and gave very short blunt answers but now another rumour has been made up and he will not talk to me at all only if I walk up to him in real life and say hey. I’ve told him it’s all a lie and not to believe it, I keep trying to start a normal conversation with him on Facebook but he always ignores it. I don’t know what to do everyone I ask for advice tells me “just message him” when it’s not that easy. I really miss spending time with him and waking up to snapchats and messages off him. Please help!! What do I do?