
I have recently confessed that I was raped repeatedly as a child and ever since I have felt out of control of my own emotions. I even have started cutting myself. Temporary relief but I know that I can’t continue down this path. I don’t know what to do...

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You need to talk with someone ASAP cutting yourself is very dangerous please life is short and death is easy!


Posted at
I have once traveled down this road from a similar situation. Cutting yourself is temporarily relief however you’re reopening the scars of your past. Your body mind and soul is already wounded. You need not take on the extra burden of harming yourself. Realize that you are a beautiful individual. That’s going to take time. I know it’s easier said than done. But the very breathe you take shows just how strong you are! You’ve made it this far. Far enough to share your weakness to develop strength. That in itself shows how courageous you really are. You are beautiful! Beauty is not defined outwardly. And although it may seem dark inside your light is shining. You can be an inspiration to someone else that needs your help. Continue to shine. Be bold be courageous be beautiful!


Posted at
I assure you that you should not self-harm in any way! I used to do it, going so far as to carve “Love” into my arm due to a certain boyfriend and issues we had. As an alternative to help you calm down from the temporary high or release you may also receive from it, I recommend maybe doodling on your skin with a marker or something? For example, one of my friends who was admitted into a mental care facility by his mother(he came out as bisexual, and she flipped her shit!) said that they would trace their veins with markers to see them all. If these give you too much triggering, then please do not try them, but they are recommended!As for your situation, I assure you that everything will sort itself out once you can escape this horrible situation you’re in. You can even report it— when you feel safe, of course. ♥️ if ever you need to talk, please do speak out!


Posted at
FIRST OF ALL...Plz do NOT continue cutting your self you could die. And no matter how hard it gets no matter what someone in this world loves you... Take Donald Trump as an example he has a wife and a daughter. And go to a cycyitrist I'm sure a family member would be sure to pay for it