In love

Phoebe • Too glam to give a damn

Hey guys. I don’t know who to tell about this but i wanted to tell someone. I started seeing my bf in the tenth grade and I loved him to bits. Everything about him excited me. The way he smiled with his eyes. How he held my waist from behind while I was doing something just to let me know he was there. The way he came up to me a kissed me because he wanted my attention. How he spoke so eloquently and peacefully, like he was completely calm no matter what. Anyway I broke up with him in the fall of senior year (this year) because I wanted to focus on school work and I didn’t want to ruin what we had if I couldn’t handle everything together. I didn’t want to snap and get blame it on him. Biggest mistake of my life. We are graduating next week and we’ve been back together two weeks now. I love him. I really really really really love him. I’ve spent almost every night with him and tonight was the first time we had sex. I’ve had sex before so I knew what to expect, but I’d never had sex with him until tonight. He wanted to make sure I was ready. I love him so much. I’m terrified for college. I don’t want to lose him. We are going to be exactly 283 miles apart. 4 hours 13 minutes without traffic. He said he wants to marry me after we graduate from college. But everyone always says “don’t go into college with a significant other”. What do I do?