a little late :)


sorry this is a long pist! finally get the chance to post! My first baby was due March 18th, we left the gender a suprise. March 18th came and went. Skipping to 6:00am on March 23rd, I got up to pee (for the 10th time) then the contractions started. They where coming 6-8 minutes apart right off the bat. We live about 45 minutes away from the closest hospital so I woke my fiance, then went upstairs to tell my parents. when i went back down i felt a gush so i went to the bathroom, it was blood. when we left, of course it was during a bad snow storm so it took us even longer lol. once we got to the hospital, i was at 2cm and I laboured for 9 hours before they gave me anything due to babies heart rate dropping. it dropped to about 60 if i recall correctly for over a minute. they where preparing for a c-section but then decided to give me an epidural. my mood took a complete 360 lol. after a few hours they checked me and said i could start pushing when i felt like it. they had to use the vaccum and forceps on baby, but at 10:08 March 23 my 7lb, 19in son carsyn daniel mccullough was born. after i went into my room and the next day i was given a laxitive because i had a 4th degree tear. well they didnt realize either they missed a stitch or some came loose, but everything was coming out the wrong end😑 it was horrible. after 6 days of this issue they finally decided to fix the hole. it was awful, BUT I got the most perfect little boy out of it ♡