Mixed emotions about pregnancy

Like 3 yrs ago i was with a bf which i ended up pregnant & long story short it ended in an abortion. Fast forward to now, i have the best SO, the thing now is that I’m late by 2 days. I have no pregnancy symptoms at all, just anxiety about thinking that i can be & it makes me scared to even test. The thing that scares me about pregnancy is the symptoms, like what if i have to be in bed all day because of morning sickness? Or what if I can’t work? The last time i found out i was pregnant i had a full on panic attack & i guess my brain gets paranoid now to react the same way. I know deep down I’ll be happy because that means i can still have my own kids after making a big mistake in my past but i just don’t know if it normal to be afraid & not knowing how to help myself. Is it normal to be scared & then ease up as you digest the news? I’m 22 btw, so not that young just new i guess.