Dream that my S.O. swings for the other team!

Has this happened to any of you before? Lol

My S.O. and I had a huge fight last night right before bed, which led me to dream that he, in fact, is gay?

In my dream, I walked upstairs in the new townhouse we just bought together (a made up townhouse in my mind that isn't the actual townhouse we live in now) to find my S.O. cuddling with another man. He tried to hide it quickly when he saw me enter the room. I immediately cried and asked him why he lied to me for so long. He denied, denied, denied. Here's the best part... Freakin' James Charles (the beauty YouTuber) was sitting on one of the beds in this room (there were two double beds, just like a hotel room would have?) and got really upset with me. He yelled "Sister, Cat! No no! He just came out to you, and you're upset with him!" in attempt to support and defend my S.O. 😂 I was like "Sister James, I'm not hurt over his homosexuality... I'm hurt over his lying to me for the last two years!"

LMAO. What is my brain?? Has this happened to any of you before? Or have I sincerely gone mad?