Sex with a new partner

Hey ladies, I have something I’d like to discuss and see if I can get some insight or advice.. okay so I have a new guy in my life, the first time we had sex I bled like crazy but he was a lot bigger than any prev partners I’ve had, so I figured that could be why plus it had been quite awhile since I had sex, however I never bled like this with any prev guys, I didn’t think anything of it the first time, then 2 weeks passed and we had sex again, which again I was bleeding and even after the fact like the following day I was still bleeding, not heavily but like discharge like I needed to wear a panty liner, so at this point it’s kinda embarrassing to me, idk what to do to prevent this or if it’s something serious, should I see my OBG/YN or is this something that will pass? I’m just concerned and again starting to become embarrassed. And he actually brought it up to me saying “you do know that every time we have sex you bleed right?” . HELP ! Lol