Preparing for Boy #2 😕

Nessa • 💛

Tomorrow there is a chance at my ultrasound that we find out the gender of baby #2. During my pregnancy I have had this feeling that this will be boy #2 for us and I'm trying to ready myself for finding that oyt. Of course I want a healthy baby no matter the gender, but my heart has been set on having a little girl.

A few years ago, my grandmother passed away. I was incredibly close to her up until her death. i have dreamed of the day I get to have a little girl and to name her after my wonderful grandma, as well as dress and wrap her in beautiful blankets and booties my grandma crocheted especially for me to pass on. I know this may sound silly, but I feel like if I dont have this sweet daughter to pass on all this wonderful stuff down to then my grandma will no longer be remembered or continue to "live on."

I am an emotional mess and I feel silly for it.