My husband no help

Hey everyone. I have a huge problem with my husband not helping me. First WE BOTH WORK. I get home last because I pick up our child from the grandparents and most of the time, he home before me. Now I’m expecting a baby too. But I’m noticing more and more how I do mostly everything for our toddler going on 2 in a few months. He leaves for work before me and his job is labor and comes hone oily whereas I’m at a hospital all day mostly oh my feel all the time so I’m tired too. So since I’m close to delivery, lately I been asking him if he can change our child diapers and take him a bath. He says he is tired or he forgets to do it and I end up doing it. I told him that I need him to man up on daddy duty more and he kinda brushed me off. I was like “are you gonna leave me to handle a new born and tend to a toddler?” He was like “why are u trying to start something? I am tired when I get off. You don’t know how things will be when the baby get here.” I told him “but you not helping me now and I’m pregnant” and he was got upset and walked away.

He got me super nervous. Like I feel like he gonna leave me hanging with two kids with no help.

What do I do?