Worried about my pregnancy


So I am a teen mom only 19 years old. I’m single found out my ex fiancé cheated on me when I was 9 weeks pregnant.i am sooo scared for everything right now I found out I’m having twins and that there identical I’ve had so much trouble keeping my head up hear lately all I have is bad thoughts running through my head. I’ve been scared about loosing both my babies or one of my babies, scared that something is going to go wrong,with my type of twins I’m at high risk for twin to twin transfusion, scared something is going to happen to me, scared my babies will come to early, that I won’t be able to breastfeed them both or make it through labor, scared I’ll be bad mother or that I won’t be able to do it alone.ive been praying and and trying real hard to keep my head up. My momma did tell me god gives you babies when you need a reason to live. Just prayers and helpful advice and I will keep anyone who needs prayers in my prayers mentioned in comments or not