Please reply I’m so scared! 4 weeks pregnant! BLEEDING. Day of expected period

Abby • TTC#1

Hey ladies , I just got my bfp 3 days ago on first response, I woke up at half 6 this morning to bad period pain, the kind that makes you wanna take a dozen pain killers and get in a hot bath, and then started bleeding, now, it’s red blood, it’s a light red but red, then turns to dark and the light again and there’s tiny little clots the size of maybe half a grain of rice, the biggest being the size of a whole grain of rice, but the bleeding is not heavy, it’s light, it was a little bit heavy earlier when I stood up it sort of dribbled out, but now it’s like light , like I could wear the same pad for maybe 6 hours, but still red/ dark red with little clots. Is this an early miscarriage? I’m so upset. I’ve been bleeding nearly 7 hours now