Are we giving the upcoming generation too much or too little freedom?


I personally think it’s a mix. Because of the internet and stuff they have a lot of freedom but with other things they don’t especially at school. At my school we have to get parental permission every time we need to go out of school grounds. This includes excursions to other towns but also going just down the road for a church service. Idk if this is just because I’m at a Christian school that really does not want to get sued if someone gets hurt or what. Gen Z can’t really be kids and do kid stuff because the adults (in my opinion) are being super overprotective. We can’t climb trees or kick a football around near people and idk why. Is it because they want us to be safe, don’t want us to make the mistakes they did or if they just don’t want to fork out the money for when someone gets hurt. These are just my opinions and they will likely sway when I read the comments so please share your opinions.