New pediatrician....?


I'm thinking I want to change my daughter's doctor. While her pediatrician is good with her, I haven't been a fan. She never answers my questions clearly, and instead dances around the question. And she doesn't seem to know much about what I would think are basic baby well-care issues (she recommended me to a pediatric dermatologist for a hemangioma because she didn't know much about it and suggested it could be serious therefore, making me a nervous wreck). Turns out a regular dermatologist was able to address it just fine and it is not a big issue. Anyway, Abby had her 4 month appointment this week. Everything looked fine, but the pediatrician said she was in the 2 percentile for weight gain (she is 11 lbs and 2 oz, up 3 lbs from her 2 month appointment). But for the record, Abby was born 4 weeks early, and I'm sure those stats weren't adjusted. I explained that Abby eats 5x a day (nurses 4x, bottle before bed), usually between 5-7 oz a feeding. If she is still hungry after nursing, I supplement a couple of ounces. She sleeps through the night, 8:30pm - 8:00am without waking up. The pediatrician suggested I wake her up to feed her in the middle of the night! I don't want to wake her to feed when she is not waking up hungry. I don't want her to develop that habit when she already sleeping so well. She is gaining weight and looks healthy. Am I being ridiculous by thinking my pediatrician is making a misguided suggestion? Am I justified in wanting to change doctors? Photo of my chubby-cheeks for reference, and because I love a freshly bathed baby in a towel.

EDIT: I've since gotten a second opinion from two other pediatricians who both agreed that baby is gaining weight just fine and there is no reason to wake her in the middle of the night. I'm now in the process of switching pediatricians.