Scary experience tonight

Today was my last round finals in my program at school so, naturally, a friend that’s in said program and I decided to turn up.

My husband was DD and somewhere during our alcohol fueled afternoon (started at 11 and ended at 10), we decided it would be awesome to go to a strip club. It would be my first time and my friend and husband wanted to give me that experience.

So we get in the car and drive to the club. Before we can even park some crack head came up to the car, my husband ROLLED DOWN THE FUCKING WINDOW as my friend was telling him not to over and over again. I was shitting myself.

This crack man was talking some nonsense about needing some money. He then noticed my friend and I and was like “oh, you got some girls in here”. Then started talking about how a guy in another parking space told him no and he wanted to shoot him, he then mentioned a gun and shooting someone 3 more times. Then he asked my husband for money, he told him no. This motherfucker leaned into the car a little and asked me for money.... I was so scared all I could say was “naw man”. Then he asked my husband if he had a gun and my husband ducking said “no, we don’t man”.

He walked away because some guy caught his attention and we took off as fast as we could.

I was shaking and started crying and I think my friend was just as shaken. That was one of the scariest moments of my life and I will not try the strip club thing again.