1st ultrasound pic @ 10wks 2 days

Nicki • #1🍼 due 12-5-18

Heartbeat was 170🙏🏼 only shitty thing was the woman who did my ultrasound was completely rotten!! Instead of smiling and greeting me she rudely asked me why I was there! I’m like well I’m pregnant and I need my first ultrasound she said well we only due ultrasounds if you think there is something wrong..SMH I’m like listen lady I havnt gotten a ultra sound yet & I don’t know how far along I am she responded well this isn’t going to accurately tell you...I started sweating trough my shirt, heart beating like crazy so I didn’t say a word the entire time...she didn’t even tell me the heartbeat I had to ask..what a bitch! My sis warned me bc she had her too only one tech in our office but oh well now I know what to expect ..Atleast the lil boo looks good!