Finally my rainbow baby

*Long but I hope it gives someone a little hope :)

When I was 16 I was told there was a big chance I'd never be able to have a baby because I wasn't ovulating at all. I've always wanted to be a mom so I was heartbroken, but I prayed god would give me a baby when it was my time. Last year, on October 2nd I found out I was a month pregnant. I was so happy. But then I started spotting. My husband and I went straight to the ER since our doctors office was closed for a week. They did and ultrasound and found there was a heartbeat. I was relieved. But the bleeding didn't stop. It got worse at nights, I figured cause I move around at night. So I finally went to my doctors. She did bloodwork to see if my levels had gone up since I was at the hospital. They were the same. She told me it could be an error and to come back in a week for more. I had another ultrasound after this appointment and my baby still had a heart beat. I was placed on bedrest even though I knew deep down I was losing this baby. I didn't want to but I had lost hope. I just had a feeling. On October 15th my doctor called to say my levels were still the same and I was probably having a miscarriage. It seems like immediately after I started bleeding heavily and getting cramps. I went to the hospital and later on that night my baby came out of me. I got to see it and I even held it. (Gross I know but I loved that baby and I needed to) I was depressed for a while after. My husband and I now had hope that I could become pregnant so we tried for a month because you're more fertile after a miscarriage says my doctor, but nothing so we gave up. We had only had sex one time after December. In January I had missed my period. I took multiple tests but all were negative. I should've been used to late periods but this one was two weeks already. Then I missed my period in February. I went to the doctors, in complete denial, and got bloodwork. I was 8 weeks pregnant! At my 13 week scan everything was great they told me my baby was growing perfectly. Now here I am at 20 weeks with a beautiful little baby that loves to kick me as soon as I sit to relax. I've never been more thankful to god. He really blessed me and I'm hoping he continues blessing me and my baby. I pray every night and every morning for a healthy baby. Of course I'm still terrified of losing my baby but I push through it because I really believe this is my time and god has answered my prays. To anyone who is trying after a miscarriage or even just trying: you will have a baby. And it will be okay. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy and thank god everyday. It took me so long to get pregnant the first time and i know it's so devastating. But the second we had sex only once and here we are. Good luck to everyone I hope this gives some women a little hope. ❤️