Little to no movement at 16+ weeks?

April • Pediatric nurse practitioner, wife of a Navy veteran wife married for over 13 years. Mom to 3 amazing kiddos! Two beautiful girls and One handsome little man! Blessed and stressed!

Hello ladies,

Just looking for some reassurance. I feel little man moving every now and then but not often and not strong. Maybe once every other day for a few minutes here and there. This is baby number 4 and my youngest is only 13 months. I’ve never had my kids spaced this close before. Wondering if having had this baby so soon after Baby 3 might be making this ones movements not as noticeable. Anyone else roughly 16+ weeks and only feel their baby move every once in awhile (and sometimes not at all?)

I have a doppler and his heart is beating strong and steady but I’m still so worried.

Thanks ladies and Happy Mother’s Day to all!!! ❤️