Pregnant and almost excited?

I’m a little over 7 weeks pregnant, and i’ll be 20 in 2 weeks- so its a little earlier than we planned.

My parter is extremely stressed about finances (which is understandable) and he would rather I have an abortion. I have an appointment at planned parenthood in a week (May 19th) and we basically have until that appointment to decide what we’re going to do.

I have an associates degree in Elementary Edu and i’m planning on getting my Early Childhood associates this fall semester- which will let me qualify as an early childhood lead teacher in my state. I’ve also got the certifications and I work as a sub in my Early childhood center now.

The jobs that are available here pay 30-35k a year and i’d pick that up as soon as possible. My partner works full time and makes about 400 a week with no overtime.

We have a lot of family and friends who would definitely help us. Its just a matter if we can do it financially.

Am i just delusional? Is there anything that i’m totally underestimating?

I don’t want to have him feel like I ruined our lives by being in debt-something we’ve really worked to avoid.

A little background - we both have cars, my credit score is 736 and his is just around 700. We’ve been together almost 5 years now, and we’ve talked about this before. I never thought i’d have to make the choice to keep or terminate a pregnancy and its extremely hard for me. I know its hit both of us pretty hard.