

Ugh.. I’ve been so nauseous for almost a week now. Thought I’d be able to manage the first few days the nausea started but now Almost a week in my body is sore, I have no energy etc. to be honest it’s not as bad as with my other three pregnancies (I ended up in hospital with all three with IV fluids due to dehydration because of HG) but I’m not sure what’s worse.. being nauseous all day with no vomitting and thus no temporary relief, or vomiting multiple times a day like I with my other pregnancies.

Anyway, I work two days but they’re full 10hr days in operating rooms. I almost feel like I should call and speak to my manager and ask for a few weeks off to get back to my normal self! I feel like I’ll be useless at work and not only this, some of the smells may set me off and what an absolute nightmare to vomit into a surgical mask or not make it to the closest toilet!

I just feel like a little bit of a fraud simply because like I said I feel like i could possibly manage but then think to myself you can’t even vacuum your own home! How will you work?

Anyone else going through something similar???