Strange Occurrence

Gabrielle • Wife ❤️ Dog and Reptile Mom 🦎🐾 Due in December with a little girl 🎀💕

So this morning I got up feeling fine. Got ready for work. Took my medicine then took my dog out. When I came back in I practically had to run to the bathroom bc I got so nauseas all of the student. I vomited a couple times then took some nausea medicine and not I feel completely fine.

Anyone ever had this happen?

Back Story: I have MS so I’m on a lot of medicine, and I’ve had a change in these since me and my husband has decided to start trying to get pregnant in the next couple months. I’m off birth control, and have been for a month now. Periods late but it was spastic before birth control. We have sex of course but sometimes we start out with no condom then put a condom on before he orgasms. (So there is chance of precum) any opinions?

Sorry it’s so long!