Becoming impatient...

Ashley • 27.virgo; introvert 😶 married since 7.15.17 ___together since 7.15.11 --ftm;it's a girl!🤰🤗😍**09/28/18! ••••Gracelynn Eloise;my heart baby. ❤️ animal_lover ⛱️🌊☀️

I'm only 19 weeks but I just want her to be here already. The more I fill her nursery the more impatient I get. I don't even mind being pregnant. Now if you were to ask me that in the first trimester I would have told you otherwise.hahaha But since 14w I've been feeling great! And really just wanna meet her! The first 19w have flown by but I have an awful feeling that the last 21 are gonna drag. 😩😟😞😭😢

Who else is ready to meet their little one(s)!?