For us TTC, do you ever panic and question if you're ready for this?

I want a family, I want a child. I want to go on family days out, I want to help my child with homework, tuck them in at night, take them shopping, teach them good morals and values, I want to watch my husband be a dad, watch him bbq with the child, throw birthday parties, be there when the child is sick, etc. But sometimes I panic and wonder if I'm ready. Although I'm in my 30s I still feel quite young at heart. We don't ever do anything (clubbing, bar hopping, etc) but still. Then I panic about the money. We're not rich but I manage to still have money at the end of the month. I panic that I won't be able to give my child the childhood I had (my dad is well off and we went on holiday all the time, we didn't want for anything). My husband and I don't even go out for dinner, I mean the child wouldn't starve, wouldn't live on toast but I panic we won't be goow enough. Does anyone else feel this way?