Please help!!! I'm really anxious and need some advice!


Ok so me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex on May 5th (he was leaving to go back home and I'm not going to see him for three months) but he never came in me at all and only came after I gave him a blowjob and we were done for the night, not more sexy times after that

The reason I'm asking is because I know there's a small chance of getting pregnant from precum, and I'm on a combined pill (Ortho Tri Cyclen) but I don't take it at the same time every day (usually about an hour difference because sometimes my schedule gets out of wack)

But I've been getting really bloated lately and my boobs are insanely sore, I'm moody as hell and I don't know if it's because I could be pregnant or if it's because my bleed is coming up and it's just PMS symptoms.

So please help!!!