Stuck between a rock and a hard place

Jadenn • TikTok @mom_needs_caffeine

My little man is 7 weeks old now and it has come to that time for me to go back to work... my problem is when I am away from my little one I get really bad anxiety. I have only made it 2 hours being away from him before my anxiety turns into a full blown panic attack even though I know he is being taken care of by a trusted family member. I want to go back to work because it will make me feel good like I have a purpose again besides taking care of my son but I don’t want to leave my little one. The nice thing about my job it is bartender/server job so I can kinda set my availability to what I want for now. I have tried talking to my SO about this but he is no help with this kind of stuff.

Any thoughts or ideas that may help?