Went to L&D last night


So last night around 6:30 I started having what I thought was either bad Braxton Hicks or real contractions. I’m a FTM so I really don’t know what to expect. My 2 friends told me to try and sit down and time them and see what was going on. So I did. With the contraction timer app I was using they were lasting between 45 seconds to 1:30 and about 4-6 mins apart. So I called the dr to see what she thought I should do. She told me she think it’s just Braxton kicks but she was headed to the hospital last night anyway when I called so maybe come in to be checked. She said I obviously called for a reason so I might as well just come in quick. I told my husband to stay home since he has to work early in the morning and if they wanted to keep me I would give him a call and he would come meet me there. I get to the hospital and immediately they get me in a room, in a gown, and hook up the fetal monitor. My dr comes in and checks me and I’m only 1cm dilated, which I have been for the past 2 weeks now. I should probably mention I’m 38 weeks pregnant, 39 on Wednesday. Anyway, she says she’s gonna come back in an hour and check again. I have no idea what I’m looking at on the monitor screen so I’m sending pictures of it to my 2 friends from before. They’re telling me oh yeah your definitely having contractions but they’re not super consistent yet. So I’m getting a little anxious but also thinking wow if this is what contractions feel like I can do this no problem! They were feeling like really really bad period cramps. Anyway so the dr comes back in an hour later and checks me again. My heart almost dropped as she said “guess who’s sleeping in their own bed tonight?!” I thought she was going to say guess who’s staying in the hospital or guess who’s having a baby lol. So I was able to get up, get dressed, and I was discharged. She told me I may have some spotting since I was examined twice but if I have any bleeding that’s more like a period, if my water breaks, or the contractions start getting to the point where they’re taking my breath away or I can’t walk or talk through them to call her back and I would have to come back in. My next appointment is on Friday so we’ll see if I make it there! My sister in law and 1 friend both are saying May 17th and my due date is the 23rd so we shall see!! Come on Baby Noah!!