Ovulating/Letrozole Question...I’m so confused

Jennifer • Mom2Five2Be

I have a question but first a little background as to why I’m so confused and I do see a fertility specialist.....I had a failed Letrozole cycle last month. I had the 2.5 dose on CD3-7. Had blood on CD21 and showed I didn’t ovulate. They ended up doing an ultrasound and said I had a very large follicle and they gave me a trigger shot on CD26 to get me to ovulate. The pharmacy screwed up and never sent it out and added stress since everything is timed. Luckily they hired a carrier to send it to me and drove three hours to get it to me in time. Unfortunately it didn’t work. I had bleeding on CD34-37 I had bleeding started light pink/orange no clots and never enough to fill a pad and the dr said couldn’t have been my period even though it started to get heavier on day three but stopped Day 4....well I got a big fat Negative on CD43. Let’s just say lots of tears and added stress that cycle. Dr said it was probably a good thing it didn’t happen that month because everything was off since day one.

I had blood done and numbers looked great and no sign of period coming based on numbers but everything looked good to start Letrozole, he said so instead of doing Provera for 10 days to get a period he started me on 5mg Letrozole on May 7th tomorrow I go for ultrasound and blood to see where I am with ovulating. Now my question....today is day 9 from when I started the Letrozole could it be possible to ovulate early on it? My dr had upped the dose but last night I thought I was going to die. My left side and kidney were killing me pain and back spasms and I had the worst cramps. I literally had to lay in the fetal position until they slowed down. Lasted about 30 Mins. I didn’t take an OPK because it was only day 9 could I have missed it? I know I go tomorrow but I’m driving myself crazy with the what if’s. Anyone else have craziness like this? Ugh feeling so frustrated