Miscarriage at 5wks and body temp?

Samantha • After 2 years of heartache and 1 miscarriage we welcomed our baby girl on 8/31/20 💗🌈

I am currently going through my miscarriage. It started on Thursday.

I haven’t really bled too heavy or passed clots. Maybe 1or 2 tiny ones.

I’m not cramping. Aside from the bleeding the only other symptom I’m having is lowering HCG.

My question is about temperature.

It’s been fluctuating between 98.8 and 99.4 throughout the day for the past 2 days. Has anyone else experienced an elevated temp?

Also is it normal not to pass clots??

I have an appointment for a repeat ultrasound Thursday to make sure everything is passing and I’m just nervous about infection.