I'm 16, I cannot be pregnant.....at least I hope not

Briana • I love briana
*Please no comments about how I should've used a condom or why did I do that if I don't want a baby, I understand*
     Sunday me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex. Before we had sex I finished him off with a handy and then he gave me oral. He wiped off the cum with his shirt. Then we proceeded to have sex, he PULLED OUT. After he pulled out, like 7 sec later I watched him cum OUTSIDE me like on my leg. Then wiped it off and had sex again. Then repeats again, but after each time the amount of cum he came decreased. I always watch him come outside of me, always. I think I could have been ovulating cause I had the wet clear stretchy discharge. Later that night I started BC pill using Sunday start. ( I have been on BC in May but stopped in June)  Monday morning, I wake up there's a lot of the discharge. We have sex using condom. Tuesday, no more discharge and took plan b, 36 hours after the unprotected. Tuesday night, feeling sharp pains and cramps in Lower abdomen. He didn't cum inside me and I took plan b so I don't know and my period is due at end of July so I'm freaking out 

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